It’s officially summer and we are gearing up for camping season! Whether you’re looking at cutting back your meat consumption, or a vegan lifer, sometimes preparing for a camping trip can seem a bit daunting for the vegan in the group. We’ve put together a list of essentials snacks to bring, some tips and some delicious recipes that will make your meat-eater friends wish they could have your food!
Essential Snack/Easy Meals Items to Pack
- canned black beans
- rolled oats
- trail mix
- elevated drinks
- marshmallows
- granola bars
- vegan jerky
- crackers
- tortilla wraps
- premade wraps
- chips
- dark chocolate
My go to breakfast on a camping trip is a black bean burrito loaded with veggies, avocado, salsa and nutritional yeast. Packed with flavour and protein, this burrito is sure to hit the spot first thing in the morning. Eat it cold or wrap in tinfoil and throw over the fire. Another breakfast option would be oats cooked in non-dairy milk in a pot over the fire. Once it’s cooked, top with fruit and cinnamon.
When preparing for a camping trip, I generally make a lot of things ahead of time, that way once I’m there I can sit back, relax and eat my meals at leisure. Some of my go to pre-made camping meals/snacks include: quinoa salads, veggie burgers, kale chips, breakfast cookies and hummus & veggies. If going for a weekend, I usually make enough quinoa salad for two lunches and veggies burgers for two dinners, of course I always make extra to share. I’ll usually roast the veggies over the fire in tinfoil with some coconut oil, salt, pepper and nutritional yeast and have this as a side to the veggie burger. The breakfast cookies are so great because they don't need to be refrigerated and one cookie is SO filling (with protein and fibre) so they are an easy breakfast option or even a snack after a hike.
If you’re looking for a healthier dessert than the classic s’more, than try a chocolate banana boat! Simply slit the banana peel open lengthwise and stuff with dark chocolate. Wrap in tinfoil and cook over the fire and eat it with a spoon when it’s ready! Of course, if you want s’mores, all you need to make vegan s’mores is Dandie’s marshmallows, Kinnikinnick graham crackers (though these do have honey in them), and some dark chocolate, and you’re set!

Being adventurous and going on a backpacking camping trip? An easy meal that’s protein-rich and easy to pack is a lentil soup!
Lentil Soup
¾ cup red lentils
2 veggie bouillon cubes
2 bay leaves
2 tsp onion flakes
½ tsp garlic powder
2 tsp of mixed dried herbs of your choice (dried parsley, rosemary, basil, etc.)
¼ tsp cumin
¼ tsp chilli flakes
6 cups of water
Add all of your dry ingredients to a ziplock bag. When it’s dinner time, throw the ingredients into a pot with 6 cups of water and let it boil and cook for 45 minutes.